SkillsUSA Wyoming 307.630.7684

SkillsUSA Week

Monday | Public Relations (PR) Day

  • Make a school announcement about SkillsUSA Week and any special activities you have planned (over the school public address system and/or television station).
  • Hang SkillsUSA signs or banners throughout the school.
  • Hold a poster or photo contest with prizes. Deliver public service announcements (PSAs) to local radio or television stations.
  • Provide news releases and photographs to the school and local newspaper.
  • Make a bulletin board or display about SkillsUSA for a school hallway.
  • Set up a SkillsUSA information table in the school cafeteria or at the mall to tell people about the program.
  • Invite the press to attend any events you plan during the week, and let them know who to contact for more information.

​Tuesday | Advisor Appreciation Day

  • Make the instructors who support your program feel special by bringing them a corsage, a special bag lunch, or host a lunch through the culinary program.
  • Deliver cookies and a thank you note to instructors who support the organization.
  • Formally recognize the principal of your school with a certificate of appreciation and an honorary membership in SkillsUSA. Principals are vital in supporting your SkillsUSA chapter.

Wednesday | Advocacy Day

  • This is an excellent time to make the community and business leaders in your community aware of your SkillsUSA Chapter.
  • Request a proclamation from the mayor, city council, board of supervisors, or school board and ask if your local SkillsUSA officers can be present at an upcoming meeting to receive it.
  • Invite local business, community and industry leaders to a chapter meeting to hear a presentation.
  • Host an open house to showcase chapter activities and make short presentations in each program. Invite parents, community leaders, business and industry representatives, and middle school or elementary students who might be interested in technical career paths.
  • Visit a local elementary or middle school and talk about career and technical education programs.

Thursday | Leadership Through Service Day

  • Conduct a community service activity to bring greater awareness to your program.
  • Visit a nursing home to provide services to the residents.
  • Hold a car care clinic.
  • Donate toys or other items to a local shelter or children’s floor at a hospital.
  • Conduct a cleanup/early spring landscape program at your school.
  • Offer to paint a mural at a day-care center.

Friday | Wear Red Day

  • Encourage all members to wear SkillsUSA t- shirts, polo shirts, or the SkillsUSA official attire.
  • Tell everyone to wear a red shirt and give out stickers to members that say, “Ask Me Why I Am Wearing Red” to put on their shirts. When asked, members can explain about SkillsUSA and that red is the color of our official blazer.