SkillsUSA Wyoming 307.630.7684

Registration for SLSC opens March 4th

Exciting times, Wyoming SkillsUSA. Advisors, watch your emails for Wednesday updates and evolving information regarding state conference. Also, refer to the Registration Guide found under SLSC on this website. A few quick notes:

Diesel Technology will happen at Gillette College, April 9 and 10. Watch your emails for more information after registration closes on the 18th of March.

Professional Development Test will be administered to all students ONLINE via a link they are sent from Nationals to their PERSONAL EMAIL one week before SLSC. This is now part of your contest score and a study guide was sent to advisors in January and is also linked on our website.

During SLSC registration, EVERY CONTESTANT MUST LIST A personal email address and preferably NOT a school email address. Technical written exams for contests will ALSO BE ADMINISTERED ONLINE one week prior to SLSC.

There will be no opening ceremony, no social event, no congregated meals and with regard to our closing/award ceremony, a determination will be made on April 5th as to whether or not this will be LIVE at The Hangar on Saturday the 17th, or broadcast LIVE on Facebook or YouTube the afternoon of the 17th. Welders: You must CHOOSE between individual welding and a welding fabrication team, this year. You may no longer compete in both competitions. All for Now!